A Study in Merlot

Hail fellows, well met, greetings, salutations and thank you for attending this study in Merlot, a chronicle of man's passion for excellence, and a compendium of the finest epicurean pursuits in the history of history. As Oscar Wilde observed: "Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." As I hope you shall see in these studies, Merlot is certainly not "most people" in Wilde's sense.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Merlot Recalls William J. Casey Over a Bad Box

Greetings kind readers,

Merlot is in a bit of a funk today, after a night of light drinking a most unsatisfying boxed wine from a country other than those included within those federation of states with membership in the Boxed Wine Association of North America and Parts of Chile. I can only liken the wine in question to liquid jam, or jelly if you will, a kind of sweetened glug produced for those more interested in buzz than flavor. It was more well received by our friends who live in the park, than our neighbors here at the Boat Basin.

As we look over this morning's headlines from the media, and the television news, we are left mindful of Edmond Burke's oft quoted derivation from Dante's pen: "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of crisis." Certainly William J. Casey was no neural party in the war against the kind of state lead cleptocracy represented by last century's communist "de-evolutions", if you will.

While it is not for the solder to question the moral ground on which he stands, as he defends and extends American style commercial, political and personal freedoms in far flung lands; it is perhaps out duty as citizens to do so, and to let our elected officals know what direction is best for the free people of the United States, including its subsidiaries and franchisees, if you will. Moreover, one must consider that these so called far flung places are not so far, when one considers the number of jobs going to places even further away, along with the capital of investors, chasing better margins, like the bottom dollar on a Friday night at Hunt's Point, if you will. And so, Merlot is in a position and the mood to reflect and offer his findings of his studies of freedom, oil and terror in North America. And the moral ground on which America stands overseas are well within or pervue, regardless of the quality of boxed wine we are consuming. We remain, objective, in spite of this nasty glug we have turned loose on the inhabitants of the Boat Basin, and those few "campers" who we count as friends, from the park between the West Side Drive and West End Avenue.

Edwin Burke's "neutrality" and indifference, if you will, seems to be everywhere. Nowhere is this more true than in Washington, where media employees prattle on with Charlie Rose imposing their view about "the mess in the middle east," and what is best for the United States, ignoring the hard facts that brought us shake out the dirty dealing Iraq president and his degenerate sons. The fact that the America war has ended the black market deals that created overhang in the oil markets is ignored, like an empty cask of Blush, dropped on the West Side Highway's bike path, after one of our famous Halloween Boat Basin Bashes. The fact that America is in a more proactive position to address the behaviors of rouge states that boarder Iraq and Afganistan is also left aside but these imported beer drinking sages, who point to the faulty rational that brought the United States into the Middle east, as they fail to remember that even a broken clock is correct twice each day. And so, if millions of lives are made better by the introduction of freedom, and if economic advances come from America being able to offer Russia a warm water port for its oil and goods (a reward for abandoning public sector cleptocracy that was the USSR), and if the international capital and commodity markets are improved as black markets, and near black markets (read "China") are rolled up like so many terror cells spouting out their Arabian songs three times per day, is the conclusion a great so what? Are these not important considerations, even if America is putting up the seed monies to reform a world that is a bit off its economic and political axis, while other "developed" nations sit on their French, German and Dutch asses, consuming hyped cheeses, meats and bottled wines, waiting to reap the benefits of our sacrifices? Are they? Is boxed wine a better value than bottled? Need we answer? Do wiser men drink boxed wines? Would Miles Copeland III's Belly Dance Super Stars be welcome in Lebanon, or say, at the college of he and of his father, Birmingham Southern College?

In a Gallup poll last year of almost 10,000 Muslims in nine countries, respondents described the United States as "ruthless, aggressive, conceited, arrogant, easily provoked and biased."

And so, Merlot believes he could do much to turn those perceptions around, applying the moder marketing methods that have made the Boxed Wine Assocation successful. All that remains is funding, which would give us the required means to need to take meaningful action, and improve America's image abroad, and perhaps boxed wine's image at home. And to that end, we are delighted to have received yet another email offer of funding for god's work if you will, as we continue to wait for our African friends to transfer assest for our enterprise. This time, from a kind man from Hong Kong, which goes to prove that not all of China is as corrupt as we should be lead to think by reports from media sources. In this case, our good fortune would be the result of misdeeds by Iraqi military, whose plunder will be our gain, if we can come to terms with Mr. Ming Yang, of Hong Kong:

83, Des Voeux Road.,
Central HK,
Hong Kong.

Let me start by introducing myself. I am Mr. Ming Yang
director of operations of the Hang Seng Bank Ltd. I have an
obscured business suggestion for you.

Before the U.S and Iraqi war our client Gen. Aadel Akgaal Bastaan
who was with the Iraqi forces and also businessman made a
numbered fixed deposit for 18 calendar months, with a value
of Twenty Four million Five Hundred Thousand United State
Dollars only in my branch. Upon maturity several
notices was sent to him, even during the war which began in
2003. Again after the war another notification was sent
and still no response came from him. We later find out that
the General along with his wife and only daughter had been
killed during the war in a bomb blast that hit their home.
You can read more about the bombings on visiting these
sites below:



After further investigation it was also discovered that
Gen. Aadel Akgaal Bastaan did not declare any next of kin
in his official papers including the paper work of his bank
deposit. And he also confided in me the last time he was at
my office that no one except me knew of his deposit in my
bank. So, Twenty Four million Five Hundred Thousand United
State Dollars is still lying in my bank and no one will
ever come forward to claim it. What bothers me most is that
according to the laws of my country at the expiration 3 years
the funds will revert to the ownership of the Hong Kong Government
if nobody applies to claim the funds. Against this backdrop,
my suggestion to you is that I will like you as a foreigner to
stand as the next of kin to Gen. Aadel Akgaal Bastaan so that
you will be able to receive his funds.


I want you to know that I have had everything planned out
so that we shall come out successful. I have an
attorney that will prepare the necessary document that will
back you up as the next of kin to Gen. Aadel Akgaal Bastaan,
all that is required from you at this stage is for you to
provide me with your Full Names and Address so that the
attorney can commence his job. After you have been made the
next of kin, the attorney will also fill in for claims on
your behalf and secure the necessary approval and letter of
probate in your favour for the move of the funds to an
account that will be provided by you.

There is no risk involved at all in this matter, as we are
going adopt a legalized method and the attorney will
prepare all the necessary documents. Please endeavor to
observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this
issue.Should you be interested please send me your full
names, private phone/fax and current residential address

And finally after that I shall provide you with more details
of this operation.

Your earliest response to this letter will be appreciated.

Kind Regards
Mr. Ming Yang


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