A Study in Merlot

Hail fellows, well met, greetings, salutations and thank you for attending this study in Merlot, a chronicle of man's passion for excellence, and a compendium of the finest epicurean pursuits in the history of history. As Oscar Wilde observed: "Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." As I hope you shall see in these studies, Merlot is certainly not "most people" in Wilde's sense.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Heartened by Proof of David's Plight

Greetings Voignier and kind readers,

Today, archeological evidence was reported for the existence that Goliath did indeed dwell in Jerusalem, suggesting that the bibical tale of week overcoming the strong is more than folk story. It's seems a piece of pottery had his name written on it, which was discovered recently. As we work to further and build the interest of our clients , some of the leading boxed of North America (who also happen to be the underdogs of the wine business), we are heartened to know that David may have well given Goliath the ass whipping of bibical proportions based on current archeological findings.

Cheers to the head of the Big Wine Voignier!


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