A Study in Merlot

Hail fellows, well met, greetings, salutations and thank you for attending this study in Merlot, a chronicle of man's passion for excellence, and a compendium of the finest epicurean pursuits in the history of history. As Oscar Wilde observed: "Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." As I hope you shall see in these studies, Merlot is certainly not "most people" in Wilde's sense.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Seasons Greetings, as we pack and head south

Greetings and Seasons Greetings to all our friends and kind readers,

Today, we have concluded our contractual agreements here in the New York market, and have spent the week getting ready to head south to pick up our market surveillance and data collection operation in warmer climates. While the Boat Basin has been kind to us from the standpoint of weather, it is indeed time to "break out the hats and hooters", if you will and pack it in for the 2006 season.

Dr. Emily has already left to organize and coordinate some of the things we will need to gather data as we travel down the East coast via Inter-coastal to Miami, and on to various islands and points south, including Panama, of course. I find as I age, time apart from Dr. Emily seems much more dear, like dog years. It's been many years since we first met in Tampa, when she had just begun her advanced studies that concluded several advanced degrees, and I was returning from a protracted sabbatical from my Agronomy fellowship both in Bordeaux and in parts of Chile.

The night before Dr. Emily took leave in the red blazer to The 95 South, we had the chance to review those early days so many years ago, while sampling a hearty gluping wine, an unassuming little white boxed blend from South Africa that my contractual agreements with our benefactor preclude me from commenting up, apart from the fact that we did illicit a kind of mauldlin emotionalism in we both. Many tears were shed, as we discussed things that happened, and things that had never happened, as well as those things that might have been.

And so, drunk, and without acrimony, we agreed to take up the topic again when Dr. Emily comes home.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Out of Africa: another modest $22 Million Dollar 419 proposal


Luck has visited our email box yet again, with an offer of $22 million dollars from a Mr. Robert Sankoh, the lastest figure in what is doubtless one of the most profitable forms of fiction the world over, the 419 Scam (for detail, see, here).

This particular "golden opportunity" has all the elements to capture the imagination and fuel anyone's greedy inner brat, made bold with the help of those blind twin bodyguards, hope and confidence that furnish just enough false sense of security upon which every 419 scam is built. It has all the "usual suspects", if you will.

For example, consider, we have the son of a diamond and gold company chairman, and a rebel leader to bring the required chaos, as well as a "secret" certificate of deposit, all of which creates the opportunity of anyone to grow rich overnight, just by spending a little money up front (typically enough money to purchase a good watch and German car).

Apparently, as the story goes, Mr. Sankoh, with his mother Rose, and his jailed father made it to Abidijan (see photo above); and now he is in a position to collect his father's riches, if he can find someone to help him, the way a card dealer needs others to help him play three card monty in Times Square, experience that more than a few of our staff here at the 79th Street Boat Basin have under their belts, prior to taking up work here as Boxed Wine marketing data collection associates.

No doubt, Mr. Sankoh sits in an air condition internet cafe, copy story or "bang" spinning his web of fiction aimed at gathering just 1% of we lucky thousands he emails to get involved with his common scheme or plan. Unfortunately, we have far too much work here at the boat basin, collecting data about Manhattan wine consumption for our sponsors to walk with Robert through a dream that would doubtless make Dante' Inferno appear more like a Cakewalk than an ordeal.


Hellow Dear
It took me a long time to make up my mind to let you know about this business proposal I am to introduce to you. It is because I don't want to throw away golden opportunity I have by involving the wrong person .I do hope that you will not let me down because this is something that will be of mutual benefit to both of us.

My name is MR Robert SANKOH son of the rebel leader FODAY F. SANKOH former chairman of A Sierra Leonine Gold and Diamond Corporation). My father was arrested by the present government of Mr.TEJAN KABBAH for planing to overthrew his government.Though, I do not know to what extend you are familiar with events and disturbances in Sierra Leone.

However, during the
disturbances and prior to my father's arrest, he gave me a certificate meant for a secret deposit he made in a Security Company in Abidjan. The deposit is worth $ 22,000,000 (Twenty two million u s dollars) He made this deposit as belonging to my father's foreign partners with the hope of converting it to his family use at the end of the conflict. But later, he was arrested when the fracas intensified as a result of the involvement of the UN Peace Keeping force in Sierra Leone .

On the strength of the above, I
fled to Abidjan with my mother where I am presently residing. However I have gone to the Security Company to confirm the deposit and inform them that my father's foreign partner is coming to claim the consignment. Therefore, I solicit for your assistance (hoping that you are honest and trustworthy) in transferring the money out of Africa for business world. You will be compensated adequately for your participation in this transaction. if you are interested, I will highly appreciate to recive your mail Awaiting your immediate response.

Best Regard,

Mr. Robert Sankoh
Rose Sankoh mother

Robert's Headers:
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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Good 419 News from the Swiss!

Hope, that thing with feathers, as the Bell of Amherst once put it, has landed, if not shad upon us once again. The following email notice was forward to us with the promise of a good sum for the taking, and I for one, and delighted by the suspension of disbelief it engenders, rather like visions of sugar plumbs dancing in one's head.

Perhaps "a fool and his money are lucky enough to get together in the first place," as Gordon Gekko said in the timeless classic about Wall Street and greed. Humbug, and all power to the imagination I say, here, in my cutoff jeans, and Dr. Scholes, reading Sharon Cole's and Aron Baker's winning prize notice aloud to our friends and agents here at the boat basin, who bring in there empty wine bottles for tabulation, before taking their morning meal, which is Spanish themed this week.

Read for yourself, and celebrate the spirit of receiving this Christmas:


P O Box 1010
Liverpool, L70 1NL


You have have been awarded €750,000 Euros in the SWISS-LOTTO Satellite software email
lottery in which e-mail addresses are picked Randomly by software powered by the Internet through the worldwide website.
Your email address was amongst those chosen this year for the SWISS LOTTO Satellite lottery. And this promo is proudly sponsored by the SWISS-LOTTO UK organization.
You can log on to our website for more information concerning our entire lottery promo https://www.swisslotto.ch .

Your email address,attached to Ref number 5, 7, 14, 17,18, 43 with Serial number 1979-12 drew the lucky Numbers 10, and consequently won the lottery in the "A" Category.
You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of €750,000 Euros
Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European Booklet representative office in Europe as indicated in your play coupon.
In View of this, your €750,000 Euros will be released to you by our security firm in Europe. Our European agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds as soon as you contact them.

All participants Were selected randomly from World Wide Web site through computer draw System and extracted from over 300,000 companies and individual email addresses.
This promotion takes place annually. For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claims is processed and your money remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to Claim your prize. This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some unscrupulous elements.

To file for your claim, please contact our fiduciary agent:
Mr. Aron Baker,
Email: swisslottoclaimsagent06@yahoo.co.uk
Tel: +44 704 010 1519

Provide him with the information below:
3.Marital Status:
8.Country Of Residence:
9.Telephone Number:
10.Fax Number:
11.Draw Number above:

This information facilitate the due process of the release of winnings avoid unnecessary delays and complications in the processing of your winnings.
Always remember to quote your Reference / serial number in any correspondences with us or our Designated agent.

Congratulations once more from all members and staff of This program and Thank you for being part of our promotional lottery program.

Sharon Cole
P O Box 1010
Liverpool, L70 1NL


Today, Dr. Emily declared this "Merlot of La Mancha Week", and has begun to dress as Sophia Lauren did in the Oscar nominated film, "The Man of La Mancha", while she serves thick hot chocolate and Churros to our friends and staff. I have taken notice that her breakfast themes take on a sardonic tone as holidays approach. Perhaps it betrays the kind of discomfort adults who have an over-abundance of bad memories and negative associations surrounding the holiday season, like a beat dog to a newspaper.

Nevertheless, we are delighted that she has incorporated the sweat, hot chocolate in this latest "summerstock", if you will. Last year, her Victory over Japan theme amounted to garbage pals full of kamikazeazie punch made with grain alchohol to be served on crushed ice, which did not help our production here at the boat basin. The staff took their offerings in place of food when they brought in there marketing data each morning. The result: three alcohol poisonings by week's end.