Merlot's ongoing good fortune...
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Date: Sat, 29 May 2010 15:15:00 -0500 (CDT)
Personal message from Transaction 1 Billlion Dollars: Dear
Let me introduce you to s transaction of $1 Billion Dollars The transaction is
guarantee and secured from the office of Late President Umaru Musa Yaradua . It
needs to be carried out under strong confidential and Petroleum mutual trust.
Association of European Petroleum Oil Trade Brokers actually take measures to
gain possession of The European Oil Trade funds, instructing them to write
checks to inappropriate parties, wiring funds from their account or transferring
their stocks into other brokerage accounts. This was done to the tune of
$40000000.00 Dollars Then. A creating bogus account statements was realised
after 3 Years, crossing stock positions between European stock ,Market Firm
which latter declared the firm declared Bad Market after accepting cash
incentives from Euro stock market in the past years. for placing “hot issue” IPO
stock into their accounts. Here is the deal. This stock has generated a turnover
of $1 Billion Dollars. President Umaru Musa Yaradua th
e originator of the stock is dead. I need you to help get this bond from the
European stock market, liquidate it into cash and get it transferred in your
account. This will take a maximum of 4 working days. Payment will be
administered from Citibank London or New York depending on our instruction for
Mr. Ayo